At first I thought it must be a joke, or someone hacked the developer's facebook account.
But amazingly, it seems for real. SpeedDate have apparently been acquiring quite a number of Facebook applications, and My Aquarium is just one of the latest.
I don't know what on earth they are thinking though. Do they seriously expect to just buy users like this? Isn't there a fundamental demographic and motivational mismatch between users of a cute aquarium app and the dating crowd (except by pure coincidence)?
Rather than endearing people to SpeedDate, I'd expect the reaction is more like this:
Get the hell of my Facebook page. First you buy up and kill off one of my apps, then you expect me to use your totally unrelated app? Get real!
Kind of like if Microsoft came along and bought up Adobe then sent an email to all Photoshop users saying they must all upgrade to Excel. Can you imagine the consumer revolt that would cause?
I don't know anything about SpeedDate, but this behaviour just makes me want to see them fail big time. Not a good PR position to be in...
It's sad really, because My Aquarium is on at least 2 different sites top 10 app lists. I can only imagine the 'new app' will be moved to the worst 10 apps now.
I can't blame the My Aquarium guys if they really couldn't sustain the business, but I can't believe how stupidly SpeedDate have handled the "customer acquisition" process.
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